Showing posts with label ADF Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADF Security. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ADF Data Security using a dummy view criteria

Many applications have requirement that a user should has access to a subset of data. In most cases the user access settings are stored in a database table. Using this approach you can implement this feature flexibly on different views of information. Below are the steps.

1.        Create a class that extends ViewObjectImpl.

2.        Override the getCriteriaAdapter method from ViewObjectImpl.
    public CriteriaAdapter getCriteriaAdapter() {
        return new DSCustomCriteriaAdapter();

3.        Create a new class that extends CriteriaAdapterImpl.

4.        Override the method getCriteriaClause from CriteriaAdapterImpl. Use this method to generate data security clause.
    public java.lang.String getCriteriaClause(oracle.jbo.ViewCriteria criteria) {

5.        Use this as the class for all the view object that need data security.
o    For classes that do not have a custom implementation, navigate to view object -> java tab -> Edit Java class -> use class Extends button -> provide this custom class in the Object property. The xml would be modified as below
o    For classes that have a java implementation, simply change the code to extend this class.
public class DSViewObjectImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {

            6. Add the dummy view criteria to all the view objects that need data security.
o    EmployeesEO is the table alias and DEPARTMENT_ID is the constrained column. i.e logged in user would have access to only few departments.
7. In the application module configure the view object instance and shuffle the dummy view criteria.

8. Now let’s look in detail at the getCriteriaClause implementation in custom curiteria adapter.
    public java.lang.String getCriteriaClause(oracle.jbo.ViewCriteria criteria) {
        String viewCriteriaName = criteria.getName();
            String[] viewCriteriaAttrs = viewCriteriaName.split("__");
            //viewCriteriaAttrs[0] holds the view criteria identifier
            //viewCriteriaAttrs[1] holds the table alias
            //viewCriteriaAttrs[2] holds the attribute alias
            String userName = ((ApplicationModuleImpl)criteria.getViewObject().getApplicationModule()).getUserPrincipalName();
            //now generate a clause using your security clause
            return " "+viewCriteriaAttrs[1]+"."+viewCriteriaAttrs[2]+" IN (" +
                   " Select Department_Id from Data_security where user_name = '"+userName+"')";
            return super.getCriteriaClause(criteria);

You can download the full example here.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

ADF Application Programmatic Login for junit cases and test clients

You can use the below code to login into application when using test clients as below or for junits.

        JAASAuthenticationService jas = new JAASAuthenticationService();
        jas.login("test", "welcome1");
        String amDef = "";
        String config = "EmployeesAMLocal";
        ApplicationModule am =
            Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(amDef, config);
        // Work with your appmodule and view object here
        ViewObjectImpl vo = (ViewObjectImpl)am.findViewObject("EmployeesVO1");
        ViewCriteria vc =  vo.getViewCriteria("DS_DUMMYVC__EmployeeEO__DEPARTMENT_ID");
        Configuration.releaseRootApplicationModule(am, true);

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